Toxic Plants

Ackee Fruit, Acorn, Amaryllis, Anemone, Angel Trumpet, Apple Seeds, Apricot Pit, Arrowhead, Autumn, Autumn Crocus, Avocado Leaves, Azaleas, Baneberry, Belladonna, Betel Nut Palm, Bird of Paradise, Bittersweet, Black Locust, Bleeding Heart, Boston, Boxwood, Bracken Fern, Buckeye, Burning Bush, Buttercups, Caladium, Calla Lily, Cedar, Century Plant, Cherries (PITS), Chinaberry, Chinese Lantern, Choke Cherry, Christmas Rose, Chrysanthemums, Climbing Night Shade, Cocklebur, Columbine, Cowbane, Creeping Charlie, Crocus, Cyclmen, Daffodil, Daphne, Deadly Night Shade, Delphinium, Desert Potato, Devil’s Ivy (Pothos), Dogwood, Dumbcane, Elderberry, Elephant Ear, English Ivy, Euonymus, Fava Bean, Four O’clock, Foxglove, Golden Chain, Hemlock Poision, Holly Berries, Horse Chestnut, Horsetail Reed , Huckleberry, Hyacinth(bulbs), Hydrangea, Impatiens Plant (NOT FLOWER), Indian Turnip, Inkberry, Iris, Ivy, Jack in the Pulpit, Japanese Yew, Jasmine, Jerusalem Cherry, Jimson Weed, Jimson Weed Seeds, Johnson Grass, Jonquil, Lantana Camara, Larkspur, Laurels, Ligustrum, Lily of the Valley, Lobelia, Locoweed, Lucky Nut, Marijuana, Marsh Marigold, Mayapple, Mescal (Peyote), Milkweeds, Mistletoe, Mock Orange, Monkshood, Moonseed, Morning Glory, Mother-in-law tongue, Mountain Laurel Snow Drop, Mushroom, Narcissus, Nephthytis, Nightshade, Oak Tree, Oleander, Peach Seeds, Peach Seeds, Pencil Tree, Periwinkle, Peyote, Philodendron, Pigeon Berry, Poinsettia, Poison Hemlock, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Pokeweed, Poppy, Potato Sprouts, Primrose, Rhododendron, Rosary Pea, Sorrel, Star of Bethlehem, Sweet Pea, Swiss Cheese Plant, Thorn Apple, Thread Leaf, Toadstools, Tobacco, Tomato-vines, Tulip, Virginia Creeper, Water Hemlock, Wild Black Cherry, Wild Mustard, Wisteria, Yaupon Tree, Yellow Jessamine, Yew

Non-Toxic Plants

Abelia, Abyssinian Sword Lily, African Palm, African Violet, Airplane Plant, Aluminum Plant, Aralia, Arucaria, Asparagus Fern, Aspidistra, Aster, Baby’s Tears, Bamboo, Batchelor Buttons, Begonia, Bird’s Nest Fern, Black Olive, Blood Leaf Plant, Boston Fern, Bouganvilla, Cactus, California Holly, California Poppy, Camelia, Christmas Cactus, Coleus, Corn Plant, Crab Apples, Creeping Jenn, Croton, Dahlia, Daisies, Dandelion, Donkey Tail, Dracaena, Easter Lily, Easter or Tiger), Echevaria, Eucalyptus, Eugenia, Flowering Crab, Gardenia, Gloxinia, Grape Ivy, Hedge Apple, Hen & Chicks, Honeysuckle, Hoya, Impatiens, Jade Plant, Kalanchoe, Lilac, Lily (Day, Lipstick Plant, Magnolia, Marigold, Monkey Plant, Norfolk Pine, Peperomia, Perunia, Prayer Plant, Purple Passion, Pyroocantha, Rose, Sanseveria, Scheffeiera, Sensitive Plant, Spider Plant, Swedish Ivy, Umbrella Plant, Violets, Wandering Jew, Weeping Fig, Weeping Willow, Wild Onion, Zebra Plant